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Building your Van's
RV-12 Empennage/Tailcone
A step by step video guide for builders of the popular
Van's Aircraft RV-12 Experimental/ELSA aircraft

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Fuselage Kit

Finishing Kit

If you are new to this site on RV-12 building, be sure to watch this:  here!

Building an RV-12 has never been easier or faster!  The construction manual supplied by Van's Aircraft is already accurate and complete. A builder watching the step by step video from HomebuiltHELP (which is "keyed" to the construction manual) will build faster and with more confidence.  That is because the video provides the visual presentation of each task completion from the construction manual - page by page and step by step!  In the corner of the video screen is a continuous display of the step and page number from the construction manual. As you read Van's written instructions, you can immediately see the results of that step AND suggestions for completing the task if additional help is required.  This saves time and frustration in interpreting the written word.  It also allows the builder to "see ahead" in construction, as well as rewind and fast forward - visually. 

HomebuiltHELP has been producing experimental aircraft construction videos for over 5 years - our experience in this arena provides results that are second to none!

This double disk DVD is the first in a series of videos being developed to cover the entire build process for the Van's RV-12  aircraft kit. It covers the complete empennage/tailcone kit as supplied by Van's Aircraft. It is a great starting place to begin your project – there are no prerequisite assemblies that need to be completed before starting.  The empennage/tailcone DVDs take you from the very beginning steps of assembling the stabilator, rudder and tailcone sections of the aircraft - all in the exact sequence of building as specified by the construction manual.  The pictures on this page were captured from the actual video footage to show an example of the coverage provided in this video volume. You can view a short video snippet from these DVDs below. Click here for information on the RV-12 Wing kit video

Note: This production is not associated or endorsed by Van's Aircraft. It does not replace or supersede the documentation provided with the kit.  It is meant to be an aid in building the aircraft and its methods are presented only as a suggestion to builders.

This affordable 2 disk DVD video is approximately 2.5 hours in length and is divided into various video chapters to make navigation and review of desired sections fast and easy  The $49 price includes handling and first class postage. (US)  (International orders welcome)  We are completing production on the subsequent volumes of the RV-12 build (that are also sequenced to the sub-kits as provided by Van's Aircraft) and they will be comparably priced when released.

Below is a video snippet from the DVD:

$49.00  Includes First class shipping (US)

You can use your credit card by pressing the ADD to CART button below (uses secure encrypted connection)

 OR you can send a check for $49 to:

Box 111
Brussels, WI 54204

We ship same day we receive your check!
If you want to pay by credit card but not online, then email us at support@HomebuiltHelp.com with your phone number and best time to call and we can complete the transaction on the phone

(Limited duration offer)
We will include another new DVD title:  "RV-12 TOOLS DEMONSTRATION"  showing the tools and techniques required for the construction of the RV-12 aircraft. This DVD will automatically be included with your purchase.


Skin install on Rudder skeleton

Final drilling stabilator bracket

Preparing to skin stabilator

Part layout for bulkhead hinges

Building tailcone assembly

Completed tailcone

Attaching rudder to vertical fin


Taking parts inventory before starting

Assembling hinge brackets for rudder

Riveting using squeeze tool

Riveting vertical stabilizer

Installing stops for stabilator

Preparing to rivet stabilator skin

Bulkhead final riveting

Routing cables in tailcone

Attaching vertical fin to tailcone

Assembling servo control

Servo control installation
