Scratch Building Basics
This DVD set includes web links to
complete PLANS (print them on your own printer) for building your own
sheet metal brake and other important tools!
Want to know what it takes to build a Zenith plane from plans? (scratch build, that is!) What planned adventure in life can
top that of building your own airplane from
scratch – -- using just raw materials, common tools and a set of
plans? From Plans to Form Blocks Creating Cutting Blocks and Form Blocks Producing the Metal Rib Blanks Deburring and Polishing Techniques Forming Ribs Fabricating the Rudder Spar Fabricating the Rudder Horn Fabricating the Rudder Skins Creating a Full Size Wing Rib Tips, Tricks and Techniques Mark and David take you thru each step of the process required to create the components needed to build a Zenith rudder. A rudder was chosen because it contains nearly all of the components that are needed to complete the remaining parts of an airframe: ribs, spar, skin, control horns, etc. The presentation begins with just raw materials and common tools. By the conclusion of the 2 DVD set, you will have witnessed all of the internal rudder components completed and will now be at the point that kit builders start their rudder project - ready to assemble these components into a finished rudder. This next step of rudder assembly is detailed in the companion DVD video from HomebuiltHELP entitled Metalworking101. Details of the fabrication process are explained and demonstrated - such as: how to translate blueprint plans to a form block drawing, cutting, sanding and finishing the form blocks using common tools; choice of form materials (plywood, MDF, particle board, hardwoods, etc); tools for cutting aluminum sheet, (power shears, hand shears, scoring knife), forming rib blanks around form blocks (how many hammers can be used!), fluting techniques for curved edges, cutting lightening holes, various methods for deburring and polishing, sheet metal bending using a home made brake, and much more. Both Mark and Dave spend equal amounts of time explaining these operations and expend just the right amount of humor to make this truly fun to watch. Watching Scratch Building Basics for Metal Aircraft is an excellent way to determine if building a homebuilt aircraft from scratch is right for you... you will obtain a full understanding of the trials, tribulations, joys and successes that this type of building process entails. Many builders have attempted this journey without fully understanding the challenges - and waste time and money when things don't go as planned. This video presentation takes the mystery out of this journey! Whether you are just curious what goes on in garages around the world - or if you are serious about getting started building your own plane from scratch - you can't watch these guys at work and not learn something that might change the way you think about the process and people that build their own planes from scratch! This affordable 2 disk DVD video is approximately 3.5 hours in length and is divided into 10 video chapters to make navigation and review of desired sections fast and easy The $39 price includes handling and first class postage. (International orders welcome!) A great resource if you are really serious about starting your own project at home.