Builder Tip #48 from HomebuiltHELP 
Adapting an Auto Heater to Aircraft Use
Creating unique solutions is at the heart of experimental aircraft building!

One key difference between certified aircraft and experimental aircraft is the privilege to experiment with original, unique designs in constructing our aircraft.

In this week's video, we show an example of how we chose to implement cabin heat for a homebuilt with a water cooled engine using an automotive heater.  There are few, if any, off the shelf products that fit this need, so we adapted an automotive heater for our use.

While planning the installation, we kept several objectives in mind: the heater had to be lightweight, effective in heat output, mount safely to the aircraft and be cost effective. Although every solution is a compromise, we can learn from studying the successes and failures of others in their attempts to perform custom installations.

Watch as we step through a process towards achieving a good fit for our heater solution.

Above: Adapting heater for aircraft
    Flange attachment
Water cooled or Air cooled Engine?

An analysis of the available engines for your experimental aircraft is a task that is a lot easier with our DVD video compilation: The 912 Competition

This DVD provides homebuilders with a dynamic review of the popular engine choices available for the experimental aircraft builder in the 80-120 HP range.

This DVD now features updates on 3 engines: the Continental O200,  the ULPower family of engines, and VIking Aircraft Engines.  This is in addition to presentations on the Corvair, Jabiru, Great Plains, Aerovee, Rotec, Rotax, and Subaru engines.

In one sitting you can see the 10 most popular engine choices presented by their respective vendors/manufacturers and decide for yourself which is best for your project!

    Some of the engines discussed on DVD
Review a previous Tip?

Don't forget that past Tip of the Week articles and videos are listed on the Archive Listing page on our website.  You can check back there for future reference and review of these tips.You can also reach that page from a link on the top, right side of our home page.
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HomebuiltHelp's Engine installation videos make the daunting task of an engine installation a LOT easier! Watch someone else do it first! This is part of your engine evaluation process. Featuring:
Rotax,   ULPower,   Jabiru,   Viking, Continental

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