Now - a complete how-to video library to assist builders with building the CH750 from start to finish!

Building your Zenith CH750
A complete step by step video guide for builders of the popular Zenith CH750 aircraft kit.

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Now – for the first time – a video that takes the frustration and anxiety out of a complex building process!  The instructor shows you step by step how to build by demonstrating and explaining!

Build FASTER – eliminate the time required to decode and understand the plans.
Any complex aircraft project requires hours of analysis to comprehend the drawings and blueprints before starting the build process.  Because this is a critical area upon which the whole project depends, much more time is spent in analysis than is ever originally budgeted.  This phase cannot be rushed!  The video greatly reduces this time by providing and demonstrating the sequence of events in the build process so you can spend your time actually building rather than analyzing plans.    Aircraft projects are notorious for sitting partially completed all over the world – because of a ‘bump in the road’ – usually a procedure or assembly that is not clearly understood. Don't get bogged down. Watch the video to see how it is done.

Save MONEY – fewer errors in assembly means less parts are ruined.
Everyone makes mistakes when building… drilling in the wrong places.. parts cut or trimmed in the wrong way…  performing tasks that are out of sequence and having to take things apart and do them over….. parts get ruined or compromised… ‘extra’ drilled holes cannot be easily hidden. Everyone has to re-order a part or two (maybe more!) when a mistake is made in cutting, drilling, or bending.  This video will save more than its price by preventing the accidental destruction of expensive kit components by allowing you to watch the building before attempting it yourself.

 How we Built our CH750 CruZer Tail  click for details
How we Built our CH750 CruZer Fuselage 1  click for details
How we Built our CH750 CruZer Fuselage 2  click for details

How we Built our CH750 
CruZer WING  click for details

How we Built our CH750 CruZer: FINISHING click for details


The following are for the 750 STOL model


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click for details

click for details

Metalworking101 with
Rudder Workshop

$29.00  (free shipping!)



Building your CH750 Fuselage Part 1
$45.00  (free shipping!)

Building your CH750 Fuselage Part 2

$45.00  (free shipping!)


Building your CH750 Horizontal Tail
$45.00  (free shipping!)

click for details

Building your CH750 Slats & Flaps
$25.00 (free shipping)


click for details

Building your CH750 Wings
$45.00 (free shipping)


click for details

Building your CH750 Finishing

$45.00 (free shipping)



click for details

Jabiru 3300 / CH750 Engine Installation

$39.00 (free shipping)

Build a BETTER LOOKING plane – by watching!
Many of the cosmetic deficiencies in our pride and joy are the result of building errors. It is not hard to imagine that a near perfect job is practically impossible when we attempt a procedure for the very first time.  By watching some one else make the bend, drill the hole, cut the part – we have a much better chance of doing it right.  The result is a better looking, safer aircraft.  Learn from others’ mistakes and experience!

Make your building experience more ENJOYABLE –
Your investment in time is actually more important than the dollar value for the kit.  Building a plane takes a long time and much of this time can be a bit nerve racking - always wondering if  it is being done 'right'. Having to buy new components or starting over on an assembly that was performed in error is not a pleasant experience – but is typical.  By eliminating the guesswork throughout the build process, your time is a lot more enjoyable as you are eliminating so many ‘unknowns’ by watching someone else who has done it before.  Even scratch builders – those that are building from plans rather than the kit – can make their building experience smoother, faster and cheaper with this video as the basic need for guidance in sequencing the component assembly is still required.

Make use of the experience of those that have prior experience building this plane!
You may use these videos to build in any order you choose.  It is recommended to start with the Metalworking101 with Rudder workshop, then proceed with either the Horizontal Tail volume or the Rear Fuselage volume.


New:  How I Installed My O200

Rotax 912S
click for details

Rotax 912 Zenith CH750
Engine Installation

$39.00 (free shipping)



Now: Updated with a chapter on building glass panels for the Zenith CH750

This popular DVD has been revised (May 10, 2010) to include a chapter devoted to designing and building a high-tech glass cockpit for the CH750 modeled after the panel used in the Zenith factory demonstrator aircraft.

If you have purchased this DVD title prior to May 10, 2010 you can send it back to us (any envelope is fine) with $5 and we will send you this new updated copy!  Use our address on the home page.



ULPower installation video for Zenith kits!


Viking 130 Installation Video for Zenith kits

Snippet from video: